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OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories
Welcome to the dog section of OzPets. Here you will find articles of interest, breed reviews, dog products, dog breeders and dog clubs.
Over half of Australians think that their dog is a better listener than their partner 17/05/11
THE SEARCH FOR SANTA PAWS is the must-own DVD this holiday season 19/10/10
Designer Dogs 27/05/10
Avoiding Winter Chills 27/05/10
Maremma Sheepdog 27/05/10
Pumi 27/05/10
Flyball 27/05/10
Earthdog Trials 27/05/10
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Pet of the Day Pet of the Day Pet of the Day
Matilda Jazz Jack

OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories for your DogOzPetShop - Dog Products, Supplies and Accessories

The oldest purebred American breed is the American Foxhound that dates back to 1650.

PetGallery - Pet Photos and Pictures

American Cocker Spanie...

PetGallery - Pet Photos and Pictures

OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories